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Advisors in Te Ao Māori,
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Te Reo Māori, Cultural Leadership
Nau mai,
haere mai!
Riki Consultancy is a Māori owned, whānau business, specialising in cultural capability advisory and professional development across corporate, education and public sectors.

Strengthen your understanding of te Ao Māori, and how to incorporate into your
everyday lives.

Review and align the visions and values of your organisation and develop strategic plans to bring to life.

Mentoring and professional learning programme for kaimahi Māori. Developed by Māori, for Māori.

Our clients:
What we've been up to:

Kaua e rangiruatia
te hāpai o te hoe;
e kore tō tātou
waka e ū ki uta
Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never
reach the shore
This whakataukī (proverb) guides and reminds us:
only through unity and working together can we succeed in any joint project.
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